Why we exist

Camp Yoshi exists to create new means of experiencing the outdoors. Through facilitating connection with food and community in locales apart from the man-made world, campers find the serenity and belonging that await those who seek them in the wild.


Camp Yoshi was founded in late 2020 by Chef Rashad Frazier, along with his wife Shequeita and brother Ron at a time when the world was battling a global pandemic and racial injustice issues were coming to the forefront. Rashad and Ron would often plan what they called “trips to nowhere”, camping in remote parts of the country surrounded by nature and beauty. It allowed them to unplug from the world, connect with nature, and seek healing. The trio met up for a trip to Montana’s Glacier National Park in mid 2020 and realized just how profound these trips had been in their lives and wanted their friends and family to experience the same. And thus, Camp Yoshi was born. 


“Camp Yoshi has honestly been one of the most memorable experiences of my life. I’ve done my share of traveling, but something about this trip just hit different.”
— Kyle Smith, Camper